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Acara's plans
Pick the perfect package for your community.
Access all of Acara’s features
/ month
Plan details
5% fee from each ticket sold
(plus Stripe fee)
10% fee from each subscription
(plus Stripe fee)
Supported currencies USD, GBP, EUR
Minimum 1.5USD/GBP/EUR fee
Free tickets always free!
Unlimited teams
Unlimited members
Unlimited event length
Unlimited registrations
Customizable event website
Customer portal access
Custom domains & secure SSL certification
Streams & Videos
14 hour stream length
Unlimited streams
Unlimited videos
5GB video limit
Archived stream recordings
Packages for all your custom needs.
Let's talk
individual pricing
Plan details
5% fee from each ticket sold
(plus Stripe fee)
10% fee from each subscription
(plus Stripe fee)
Supported currencies USD, GBP, EUR
Minimum 1.5USD/GBP/EUR fee
Free tickets always free!
Unlimited teams
Unlimited members
Unlimited event length
Unlimited registrations
Customizable event website
Customer portal access
Custom domains & secure SSL certification
Streams & Videos
14 hour stream length
Unlimited streams
Unlimited videos
5GB video limit
Archived stream recordings